At the moment we have a Canadian couple helping out.
Lyndsay has been helping out around the house and with the kids
Amongst other things, part of Fred’s job has been to roll up old fences. He has cut, rolled and carted kilometres of rusty old barb wire to the dump for burial.
That was until I noticed a picture on Instagram ……
For weeks I have been planting seeds in the minds of all seated at the smoko table …..
showing anyone who would listen,  pictures of amongst other things garden ornaments, lighting ornaments and candle holders.
We’ve discussed the impracticalities of cobwebbing a light fitting and weeding around a garden ornament. And the fact that my mother would think I’d gone stark raving mad….
I’ve imagined Christmas ornaments and strings of lights flickering…..
And little by little, I have convinced Rob that the idea is at least worth experimenting with.
 (Homemade donuts for smoko may have sealed the deal!)
Apart from an hour or two, there really couldn’t be anything to lose??

And as we began rolling, kinking and cursing ….. the creative juices started flowing.
Is it too early to start thinking about the Christmas tree?

There are 6 comments on this article:

  • On 17/10/2013 Zara said:

    It’s amazing what old fencing wire can be made into. A series of those ball shapes in varying sizes would look amazing. I can imagine a thick pair of gloves would be required for crafting though.

  • On 17/10/2013 sharon said:

    I’m still keen on a ball or three for the garden…but I can see where you’re going with this. Try googling barbed wire cone…I came across something the other day. Looked very Christmassy!

  • On 17/10/2013 Binny Pegler said:

    Ha ha your husband really and I mean REALLY loves you.
    But yes it looks good.

  • On 18/10/2013 Karen Thompson said:

    Awesome! I’ve also seen it rolled in a high ball like a large ball of wool. Looks great in the garden.

  • On 20/10/2013 Jane S said:

    Oh life looks good at your place Ainsley! Love those donuts for smoko and your wire art is beautiful too! Perfect for outback Christmas decorations 🙂

  • On 27/12/2014 Our DIY Christmas Tree Mark II | title said:

    […] 25, 2014 8 Comments Last year I wrote about What to do with 18km of Rusty Barb Wire and mentioned a potential Christmas tree. I do recall clearly the grimace of my husband and […]

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