The first test at the Gabba heralds the beginning of Summer for Rob. Day 1 saw Australia in a shaky position, and Rob feared that there would be little cricket left to watch on Day 3 ….. the day he was going to watch with his in laws.
England faltered on the second day leaving Australia in a stronger than expected position for their second innings. Rob’s childhood dream of attending an Ashes test match was fulfilled on a sterling third day of play.  He left the grounds with Australia in a commanding position at the close of play and of course the Aussies went on the win convincingly on Day 4.
Thanks for the tickets Uncle Bryce ….. future cricket days might need to include a few nephews as well 😉
Meanwhile, back at Mystery Park, the kids and I were left to watch the green grass grow.


Gosh I wish the clouds would play fair and share.
There really is no better feeling than watching the green grass grow.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 25/11/2013 sharon said:

    personally I can find far better things to do than watch the cricket however its not summer unless you’ve turned on the radio and hear the cricket being broadcast!

  • On 25/11/2013 Anne Wheaton said:

    Would rather look at photos of your grass growing than watch Australia beat England at cricket!

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