The weather forecast for the weekend just gone was to be wet and bleak followed by a cold southerly blast. I had made up my mind it would be perfect weather to tackle the housework, in particular some  overdue mopping and furniture dusting.
With Tess home for her last week-end for a while, Rob decided to muster another mob of cows. Not that I minded at all, housework always waits ……
Ignoring the clouds, we yarded the mob for their annual pregnancy diagnosis. Brief misty showers amounted to just over 5mm and didn’t hinder us at all.
It is so rewarding to spend time with the kids outside of school routine ….. to watch them learn new skills and grow in confidence.
This morning we woke to clearing skies. While I donned a light coat, it was soon shed as we bustled cows through the yards.
This afternoon was spent returning expectant mothers to their rightful paddocks and shifting some yearling heifers into fresher pastures. A delightful way to spend a winter week-end.

Perhaps there is a fairy godmother around the corner, willing to tend to my dusty floors and fluff laden furniture ….. cause tomorrow I’m back in the schoolroom.

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 15/06/2014 sharon said:

    I’m proof that dust bunnies don’t cause any harm (and I don’t have a school room as an excuse!)

    Beautiful photos of big skies and – STILL – green paddocks. Love the one of Lachlan or Andrew? in the lead of the mob.

  • On 15/06/2014 Elsie and Joan said:

    Ainsley, these photos are breathtaking! Totally forgiven for ignoring the housework when these incredible images beckon… honestly, wow!

  • On 15/06/2014 Erin said:

    What a lovely day outdoors with your family:) Well I have dust bunnies a plenty and a school room too, they happily co-exist;)

  • On 16/06/2014 Fiona said:

    This little taste of Winter is actually quite pleasant isn’t it, particularly with the air seeming so clear after a small amount of rain.
    And Ainsley, the housework will always wait. A very wise woman once told me that you will never read on somebody’s gravestone that “she kept a clean house”. Enjoy these beautiful days when you can.

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